Why Should I Get Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry isn't just about enhancing your smile. It's about reclaiming your confidence and setting you up for exceptional wellness and a thriving social life. Our cosmetic treatments offer transformative solutions for dental imperfections, helping you feel more comfortable and proud of your appearance. With personalized treatments designed to address your unique concerns, we can create a smile that reflects your best self.

Here’s How It Works


Your journey to a radiant smile begins with a thorough consultation. During this step, we listen to your concerns and get to know the vision for your ideal smile. We also provide a comprehensive exam before deciding on the right cosmetic treatment for you.

Leveraging Tech

Our cutting-edge technology, including CBCT, intraoral scanners, and Digital Smile Design, captures precise images of your teeth and facial structure. These advanced tools allow us to analyze your dental condition in detail and visualize the potential results of your procedure before any treatment is rendered.

Personalized Treatment Plan

After collecting the necessary data, we craft a treatment plan just for you. It outlines the procedures, their order, and what you can expect. At each step, our team will make sure the process is smooth and clear, designed with your preferences and comfort in mind.

Real Patients, Real Results

Six Veneers

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Does Dental Insurance Cover Cosmetic Dental Procedures?

The coverage of cosmetic dental procedures can greatly vary depending on your specific insurance plan. While most dental insurance plans traditionally cover preventative and basic dental care, many consider cosmetic procedures as optional and may not provide coverage. Procedures such as teeth whitening, veneers, and cosmetic bonding are often classified as cosmetic. However, some treatments that are both restorative and cosmetic, like crowns or dental implants, may receive partial coverage. It's always best to consult with your insurance provider and your dentist at Tuscarora Dental to understand what your plan covers and what out-of-pocket costs you might expect.

What Is a Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover is a comprehensive, custom-designed cosmetic treatment plan that aims to dramatically enhance the aesthetics of your smile. At Tuscarora Dental, Dr. Angelina Browning and Dr. Brandon Smith specialize in creating personalized smile makeovers that address a wide range of aesthetic concerns. Whether you have stained or discolored teeth, chips or cracks, gaps between your teeth, misalignment, or missing teeth, our skilled cosmetic dentists can design a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. A smile makeover at our Martinsburg office could include advanced procedures like professional teeth whitening, dental veneers, cosmetic bonding, orthodontics, or dental implants. Each step is meticulously planned to improve both the appearance and functionality of your teeth, culminating in a radiant, confident smile that enhances your overall facial aesthetics and boosts your self-esteem. The goal is to not just transform your smile, but to craft a look that complements your entire personality and lifestyle.

What Is the Difference Between Cosmetic and General Dentistry?

While there is some overlap, general and cosmetic dentistry primarily focus on different aspects of dental care. General dentistry is concerned with maintaining oral health and function, diagnosing, preventing, and treating oral diseases. This can include routine cleanings, fillings, root canals, extractions, and periodontal treatments.

On the other hand, cosmetic dentistry focuses on enhancing the appearance of your teeth and smile. While cosmetic treatments can also provide restorative benefits, their primary goal is to improve aesthetics. This can include procedures like teeth whitening, veneers, bonding, orthodontics, and smile makeovers. At Tuscarora Dental, Dr. Browning and Dr. Smith are skilled in both general and cosmetic dentistry, providing comprehensive care that keeps your smile healthy and beautiful.

How Long Do Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures Take?

The duration of cosmetic dentistry procedures can vary widely depending on the type of treatment selected and the specific needs of each patient. Quick treatments like professional teeth whitening may be completed in just one session at Tuscarora Dental. More complex procedures, such as veneers or dental implants, typically require multiple visits spread over several weeks or months to ensure each stage of the process is performed meticulously and heals properly. During your initial consultation, Dr. Browning or Dr. Smith will outline a comprehensive treatment plan that includes an estimated timeline tailored to your situation. This ensures you have a clear understanding of the process and what to expect. At Tuscarora Dental, we are dedicated to providing high-quality, personalized care that not only meets but exceeds your expectations, ensuring your investment in your smile is worthwhile. Our team prioritizes precision and excellence, aiming to deliver transformative results that enhance both your smile and confidence.

Am I a good candidate for cosmetic dental treatments?

If you are in good overall oral health, you may be a good candidate for cosmetic care. Whether you want to whiten your teeth, fix imperfections, or transform your entire smile, our personalized approach ensures that you receive treatments tailored to your unique needs.

Can I get more than one cosmetic dental procedure done at the same time?

Absolutely. Combining multiple cosmetic dental procedures is common and often recommended to achieve a comprehensive smile transformation. During your consultation, we’ll assess your needs and create a customized plan that may involve a combination of treatments.

Still Have Questions?

We’re right by your side to help you understand treatment options and feel confident about your oral health journey.

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